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Water Treatment Experts For The Pharmaceutical Sector

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Water Treatment For The Pharmaceutical Sector


In the pharmaceutical sector, there is a naturally high volume of water that is both used and wasted. This is as a result of the chemicals that are used in the production of medical products that are intended for both human and animal use. Additionally, this sector covers the production of chemical-based products such as cleaning agents, which require a lot of water throughout the process of producing and distributing them.

If the chemicals used in the making of any of these products are allowed to enter the main water system they can pose a health risk to the population as they contain medical products that could have damaging long-term effects. According to Industrial Water World, a particular challenge for the pharmaceutical sector is the proliferation of bacteria, viruses and other organisms which could be a serious health risk if they aren’t properly disposed of.

As a result, the proper management of water and wastewater is vital. This is to ensure that the wastewater and the chemicals within it are properly disposed of and that there is an understanding of the implications of using high volumes of water. As industries become more aware of the consequences, this is starting to be actioned.  


The Benefits Of Water Treatment


A properly run and managed water treatment system can help in the battle to remove chemicals and bacteria from water and allow for businesses to reduce the overall amount of water that they’re using.

Water is used to produce products, sterilise equipment and working areas and in the cleaning processes that follow. PharmTech states “treating manufacturing effluents, particularly from API manufacturing” is an ongoing concern. As awareness around the importance of managing water usage increases, the installation of water treatment facilities is becoming more important than ever for this sector.

Producing purified water isn’t just vital for the reduction of usage, it’s also critical to ensure that when water is recycled, it is totally clean and has had all of the harmful bacteria and contaminants removed. If not, there is the risk of cross-contamination with other products which are costly to rectify and damaging to a business’s reputation.   


How Can Membracon Help You?


Here at Membracon, we are experts in the installation of water treatment and recycling facilities that will allow you to manage the volume of water that is being used and the cost that that incurs.

Working in close consultation with you, we can design a solution that fits your requirements and offers guidance and training as we move through the project.

As well as the installation of water treatment products, we also offer:

  • Training
  • Performance surveys
  • Advise on upgrades or modernisations for existing technology
  • Process maintenance
  • Service agreements

Would you like to learn more? Visit our contact page to speak to us and a water treatment expert will be in touch!